Mind's Eye Tribe

Beast Mode 3: Of Gods and Monsters...
March 29, 2025 March 30, 2025
with TJ Storm

Total # of Classes

Class length
240 minutes

Woodley Park

From Boris Karloff and Haruo Nakajima to Doug Jones and Andy Serkis, the tradition of extreme character performance or “Creature Performance” is a difficult and nuanced art that can be riveting and beautiful as it is complex and strenuous.

Armed with the tools learned in Beast Mode 1 & 2, Beast Mode: 3 deep dives into those complexities of creature performance. Performers will work on Extreme Gate Analysis (Specialized Creature Walks), Instinctual Theory and how it relates to not only character performance but (Mocap and Practical) “Rig” movement.

Scenes and exercises performed in this class will stress the skills necessary to hone and master your art and in turn your career as an actor of some of the world’s most celebrated and memorable characters.

Note: This 8-hour class is very physical. Even though this class is performed over 2 days, It is suggested to come well-rested and prepared to move and perform. Gloves, elbow and knee pads, and proper hydration and nutrition to stay fueled and alert for the duration of the class are suggested. 

Save money by purchasing a class package! Any of these passes are eligible for this class:

Mind’s Eye Tribe does not issue refunds for classes. We will happily reschedule a class for a later date as long as at least 48 hours notice is given.

The class takes place on...

  • March 29 at 10:00 am (Saturday)
  • March 30 at 10:00 am (Sunday)


You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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