Mind's Eye Tribe

Action for Actors 1: Introduction to Stunt Fighting Performance
with TJ Storm

Sorry - that class has been cancelled!

February 23 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Woodley Park

Every Studio knows that ACTION sells. Action permeates almost every facet of the biggest-budget Video Games, Films and TV shows. This class will help get you up to speed in the basic skills and information that Actors, Action-Actors, Stunt Performers and Creature Performers ABSOLUTELY NEED to perform basic fighting and reactions in the Action genre. This course is especially valuable for Actors that intend on auditioning or performing action if they want to have an edge.

(This is a very physical class. Please inform the instructor of any physical restrictions or persistent injuries before class begins. Safety first.)

Mind’s Eye Tribe does not issue refunds for classes. We will happily reschedule a class for a later date as long as at least 48 hours notice is given.